A discussion and presentation on the growing crisis of the shortage of sports officials, at every level, in every sport, locally, regionally and nationally !
Thursday, June 4, 2020
HAPO Center, Columbia River Room 6600 Burden Blvd, Pasco, WA
6:30 – 8:00PM
Presented by:
The CJ Mitchell Sports Officials’ Academy With support from; The Tri-Cities Sports Council and HAPO
An open discussion led by a select panel of Officials, Coaches, Athletic Directors, Assigners and event Sponsors. The purpose is to share the current state of officiating and create a collaborative approach to begin to address the problem.
Key elements;
Sports as an extension of the classroom. Potential loss of this character development tool. The economic impact of the loss of athletic events.
Who should attend ?
Anyone and everyone that plays, coaches, and attends these sporting events ! Including businesses that benefit from the customer traffic these events and tournaments generate !
“ Without Officials, it’s not a game, it’s a scrimmage “
Do you enjoy football, hockey, basketball, soccer, Lacrosse, baseball, wrestling, volleyball and more?
Are you 16yrs or older, looking for a part-time job with reasonable hours, fair pay and the best seat in the house for sports ?
Come learn more about these opportunities, meet the trainers and get details on how you can become a sports official at ;
“The Officials Forum”
Thursday, June 4, 2020
HAPO Center, Columbia Room 6600 Burden Blvd, Pasco, WA
6:30 – 8:00 PM
Have a Question?
Note: Any personal information provided by participants and or donators is not shared with any outside persons or businesses.